Curriculum Vitae

Gavin Bowyer Expert WitnessAbbreviated CV Mr Gavin W Bowyer MA MChir FRCS Orth

Training and Qualifications CV
Gavin Bowyer went to Cambridge University in 1979, to read Medical Sciences. He went on to Oxford University in 1982, to complete his clinical training, qualifying BM BCh. He joined the Army and underwent further surgical training in London and Southampton, completing the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, and then the intercollegiate examination in Orthopaedics. He also holds a higher surgical degree, the Mastership in Surgery, from the University of Cambridge. He was appointed a Hunterian Professor by the Royal College of Surgeons for his research work in 1996.

Mr Bowyer spent a busy year in the USA as a Fellow in the Shock Trauma Centre in Baltimore. He enjoyed a number of exciting postings on military tours of duty, much of that with airborne forces. He developed a major interest in the management of foot and ankle problems, especially after injury and in the active sports-person. Later NHS experience and training developed this further, with care of the whole range of foot and ankle conditions. Mr Bowyer had a long association with Southampton University Hospitals, and after leaving the Armed Forces he took up a consultant post as a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon there in 1999. He continued to deal with major trauma and the complications of trauma as well as developing his elective foot & ankle practice.

Mr Bowyer’s elective practice now consists of foot & ankle surgery. He works closely with a specialist physiotherapist and podiatrist. He continues to treat NHS patients as well as doing private practice.

Teaching and Training
Mr Bowyer is a Fellow of the British Orthopaedic Association, and the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society. He has presented his work on foot and ankle surgery in UK, as well as at the European Foot and Ankle Society and many other European meetings, and as an invited speaker in Australia, China, Russia and the United States. He teaches regularly on foot and ankle courses, in the UK and internationally.

Mr Bowyer served for 5-years on the Specialist Advisory Committee on Trauma and Orthopaedics and continues to be a senior examiner and standard-setter for the Intercollegiate Examination Board in Trauma and Orthopaedics.

Mr Bowyer has written numerous research papers on trauma and orthopaedic topics. He is the author of the chapters on foot & ankle trauma and on elective foot & ankle conditions in the major orthopaedic textbook, ‘Apley and Solomon’s System of Orthopaedics and Trauma’. He wrote the chapter on orthopaedic management of the diabetic foot in the textbook ‘Management of Diabetic Foot Complications’. He has also edited the recent book ‘Selected References in Trauma and Orthopaedics’.

Medico-Legal Experience
Mr Bowyer has more than 25-years experience of producing medico-legal reports. He has undertaken training courses on medico-legal reporting and attends the Bond Solon seminars for the expert witness. Mr Bowyer has experience of giving evidence as an expert witness in court. He is fully conversant with the requirements of Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules and the subsequent Experts Protocol.

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Contact: Secretary to Mr Bowyer, Spire Southampton Hospital, Chalybeate Close, Southampton, SO16 6UY
T: 0845 094 3338    E: