Welcome to the medico-legal website for Mr Gavin Bowyer FRCS(Orth)
Mr Bowyer has been providing medico-legal reports for more than 10 years. He is registered with the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, the UK Register of Expert Witnesses and is a member of the Society of Expert Witnesses. He has undertaken training courses in medico-legal report writing and presentation.
Mr Bowyer provides Personal Injury reports for claimant’s solicitors in about 60% of cases, as a Single Joint Expert in about 35% and for the defence solicitors in about 5% of cases.
Mr Bowyer also undertakes Medical Negligence work as an expert for both claimant and defence, and is used as an expert in pre-litigation cases by a number of local NHS Trusts.
A guide for clients attending for a medico-legal examination is available here and is sent to each client along with the letter detailing the appointment time and date.
Contact: Secretary to Mr Bowyer, Spire Southampton Hospital, Chalybeate Close, Southampton, SO16 6UY
T: 0845 094 3338 E: info@gavinbowyer.co.uk